Our oldest and her hubby will soon have their first child. Well it is months away but months go by fast. And our youngest is awaiting losing her first tooth. I remember years ago sharing with another momma of many that her to her potty training toddler his “season” was every bit as important as learning to drive was to her 16 yr old son.
We need to not only recognize the importance of these seasons but to be blessed by each and every one of them. It is a blessing to witness a child’s first steps, a blessing to give your daughter away in marriage and a blessing to watch your son become a man. But it is also a blessing to teach a child to read and see their face light up when they realize they can now read God’s Word. It is a blessing to watch your child ride a pony by themselves. It is a blessing when your daughter makes her first cake. It is a blessing and an honor to be with them for all of these experiences. Don’t give your blessings away. Don’t be so busy that you miss things. Don’t be so bus that you don’t even realize you are missing things.
Slow down and take time to hold a child’s hand, and listen to what they have to say. You will be blessed.
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