For my Menu Plan Monday post, colder weather, yummy comfort meals
Monday- jalepeno chicken and rice
Tuesday- beef stroganoff
Wednesday- cheesy potato soup (with peppers)
Thursday- chili
Friday – southern chicken and dumplins with red and green bell peppers
Saturday- stuffed green peppers
chili soon, would you like my recipe?
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Robin @ Heart of Wisdom says
I just did stuffed green peppers without the peppers last week in my rice cooker. Turned out great. We call it porcupine casserole.
Robin @ Heart of Wisdoms last blog post..Menu Plan Monday: Marmee’s Bean Soup
Michelle in GA says
Hi Penny,
Our oldest would Love the `Jalepeno Chicken & Rice`.
`Chicken & dumplins` with red & green Bell Peppers`. Sounds interesting. I Love `Chicken & Dumplin`. And I can picture the bell peppers making it festive.
How can we get your `Chili` recipe?
Michelle in GAs last blog post..The 2008 HSBA Voting has begun!!