I have found that a loose schedule works best for us. But even better than a schedule is a routine. A routine works with any schedule. With a schedule you can still get lost if times get changed. But with a routine one thing comes after the other no matter what time it is. Here are two examples
get up, pray, take shower, brush teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast, start school
6am get up, 6:05 pray, 6:25 shower, 6:30 brush teeth, 6:35 get dressed, 6:45 eat breakfast, 7:00 start school
but what if you wake up at 5am? or what if you want to pray for an hour? or what if you get up late?
If you have diciplined your children to respect a routine they get everything done and still give room for God to interrupt, the focus is on getting a job done and doing it well
With a schedule the focus is on the time clock, and isn’t that one reason we homeschool? So that our lives are not run by a clock?
We find that for us a routine teaches them to govern their own time and get things done. If we need to rearrange the timing it still works, and THAT works for me this Wednesday.
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Lorie says
I have to agree that a routine is really the only way to get anything done well on a regular basis! It makes life so much easier!
Lories last blog post..Kid Friendly Thanksgiving Treat: Candy Corn Turkey
Cindy says
This is so true! I am a terribly “off track” person, and having a list of what-to-do….a written routine, if you will….makes things go so much more smoothly. I simply can’t remember the routine without having it written down. And I am a little ashamed to say that I lost the paper I wrote our routine down on! So that’s why I’m reading blogs instead of starting school right after breakfast. I’m going to find it!!
Cindys last blog post..Review: Amusing Mathematics