Each of my daughters have different strengths and weaknesses. It is my goal that they each know how to do everything that I feel they need to know, but it is up to them to perfect those skills. In my opinion homeschooling is not about making them learn but rather about giving them opportunities to learn. I think we end up with more productive children that way. I want my children to learn to think for themselves not to be robots that simply follow directions.
so, onto home management…
Each one of my children have their own “areas”. I have some who live to be outdoors, some who live to “manage”, some who are intellectual, some who are real “hands on”, some who are adventurous and some who are “safe”. So, my point is, let them operate in the areas they are gifted in. Let the one who “lives to be in the kitchen” be the kitchen manager. Let the one who is a “clean nut” manage the areas where scrubbing is an appreciated art. Let the “born in the barn” ones manage the barn area. It is easier to let the fish swim with the flow of the current. That keeps my home a haven, and furthers that thought into their own homes.
and .. your thoughts?