on one of my email signatures I say I am happy to be a doormat for Jesus,
every so often I get this question ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penny, I’ve noticed the phrase “pleased to be a doormat for Jesus” in your signature and it’s been troubling me. Would you mind explaining what you mean by that? Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would be happy to explain. This question comes around about every year or so. It means that even when life doesn’t appear to be fair, or things aren’t going MY way, or I am not getting what I think I ought to get, that I still trust Jesus to do what He wants with my life for HIS purposes. I am pleased to give HIM every area of my life, HE can dicipline me, teach me, anything HE wants to keep me on HIS straight and narrow, to bring HIM GLORY, and HONOR and PRAISE, because I know HE LOVES ME, and wants what is best for me! So even if it feels like life is stepping all over me I don’t mind because I know HE is in control. 🙂 Jesus is my life, so even when it appears that He is stepping all over me, I respond with “WELCOME” make sense? Penny Raine “The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing. But in our |
and .. your thoughts?