Black Friday Savings is here because I am in the mood to celebrate!
And my favorite way to celebrate is by blessing my friends, and that means YOU! Yes I get not only generous but completely out of my right mind this time of year. So…. not only am I nearly giving away the farm, but I am blessing you with bonuses also!! But this will only last a short time before I come to my senses, you will have only until next Sunday at midnight to take advantage of this incredible bursting at the seams package,look at all I have for YOU!!!
First of all 25, yes count them TWENTY FIVE, yes 25
( I already went overboard and made it 27! ) of my ebooks, plus bonuses. See I told you, I have gone completely overboard with this one.
Did I tell you I LOVE Black Friday when done online!!! Well I do. And it Thanksgiving Time and I like that too.
So here we go, lets see what is included. Unless of course you have already made up your mind and want the buy now button, in which case here you go!
#1 First off lets get Holiday Spring cleaning even though it is Fall with my
Creatively Simple How to Clean a House.
Well here we are, all grown up and a home of our own. Despite the hundreds of magazines and cleaning products and gadgets, many young women were never taught exactly how to clean their homes. Learning before you have children is nice, but really any day is a good day to learn something new. ……
#2 my favorite book on inner beauty
What is True beauty? What is the difference between God’s opinion and ours on this subject? Does it matter? What kind of beauty is real and lasting? Join me as we discuss what real beauty is.
#3-6 And also a few resources on being beautiful
Creatively Simple – How to Create Hairstyles Using Old Fashioned Rag Curls ..With 5 daughters, all with long hair, I have plenty of experience making little girls look great. There is nothing that says “special occasion” better than a great style created with rag curls. Young girls love to dress up and be pretty Creatively Simple – How to Make Homemade Deodorant …. Most store bought deodorants these days contain harmful chemicals. Anytime we can make our own soaps and beauty products we usually end up saving money, and benefiting from a much healthier product. Homemade deodorant is very simple to make and can be made using any scent you like, without the harmful chemicals. Creatively Simple – How to Give a Girl a Haircut …One of the many skills I have taught my daughters is to give haircuts. I have no plans that it be a career move but rather a way to serve their families. As they grow up and marry they won’t need to send their husbands off to a stylist. And as they have families they can keep them looking great without spending a fortune. Creatively Simple – How to Give a Boy a Haircut … Cutting a boy’s haircut is not hard but does take some practice. Join me as I show you the ABC’s of how to give a boy a haircut.
# 7-13 Next How about some spicy Cooking with some of my favorite Creatively Simple How-to Mexican food ebooks,
these are an excellent resource for projects when teaching your children anything about Mexico, or Mexico history, or Cinco De Mayo.
CreativelySimple- How to Make Chili Rellenos CreativelySimple- How to Make Chimichangas CreativelySimple- How to Make Enchiladas CreativelySimple- How to Make Fiesta Basics CreativelySimple- How to Make Jalapeno Poppers CreativelySimple- How to Make Tamales CreativelySimple-How to Make Taquitos
When things need a little spicing up .. my Fiesta package. 7 of my favorite ebooks that will turn you into a Mexican Food cooking hero! You could honestly open a restaurant with this information. Not just recipes but actual How-to tutorials. Lots of pictures, lots.
#14-16 And how about some Family Party nights!
Creatively Simple – How to Make Homemade Pizza and Party! … Pizza is one of American’s favorite party foods. It is great for a crowd, but pizza from a pizza store can be expensive and the frozen stuff you bake yourself, well that doesn’t show your guests you care very much. Homemade pizza is really simple once you have the courage to try. Come along into our kitchen as we show you making pizza is as easy as A B C. Creatively Simple – How to Pop Popcorn the Old Fashioned Way .. Popcorn is just plain fun! When made the old-fashioned way it is also healthy. Popcorn is one of those fun foods that bring back memories. It can remind us of family movie nights, holidays, parties or maybe a “by the fireside and tell a story” kind of evening. It can be strung on a string and used as decorations, and it can be used to tell about the first Thanksgiving. Anyway you look at it, popcorn is fun! Creatively Simple – How to Make Homemade Ice Cream … Nothing says fun in summer like homemade ice cream. There are a thousand ways to make homemade ice cream but this is the technique we have settled on. It is rich and satisfying. You can add in any flavor and have ice cream as great as any high priced gourmet ice cream store right at home! When you make it yourself you know exactly what is in it, and it becomes a healthy treat rather than just cold junk food.
#17-18 and of course some very homey crafty favorites,
CreativelySimple- How to Make a Diaper Cake … Diaper Cakes are some of the most useful gifts you can give a new mother. They combine creativity, beauty and useful items all in one. They make a beautiful centerpiece, and will make you the hero of the baby shower! This cake in this book would retail for approximately $95 yet it took nowhere near that to make it This is just the first of a series of Creatively Simple “How to” ebooks 18 pages with lots of pictures ebook download
CreativelySimple- How to Make Cloth Napkins ..Cloth napkins make your table look like you are expecting company. Your family is the best company you can ever have, don’t just save the nice stuff for someone else. In one afternoon you can easily transform your table into a place that says “Welcome, you are loved!” Add some placemats and everything looks extra special. Cloth napkins and placemats are easy to make and you can make different sets to go with different events or seasons. They are inexpensive and so much more fun than disposable paper products. They will even encourage better table manners in your children. Join me in my sewing room as I show you how simple it is to make cloth napkins and placemats.
#19-20 and how about some breakfast favorites ?
CreativelySimple- How to Make Homemade Pop Tarts ..Pop Tarts, also known as toaster pastries, are typically a breakfast food but can be great fun at anytime. They can even be pretty healthy when made at home. Remember anytime you make something at home you have control over what goes into it. Just for the sake of showing you something new we are using our own recipe with peanut butter and chocolate here. It might not be the healthiest but it sure is different and very tasty and creative! My goal isn’t to teach cooking as much as it is to encourage creativity. Don’t be afraid to try new things. You don’t need fancy equipment or appliances. Children especially love to gather in the kitchen and help with these types of projects. Have fun! not just a recipe, but a very detailed How To ebook with step by step instructions and lots of pictures CreativelySimple- How to Make Homemade Yogurt .. Yogurt is one of the healthiest and simplest treats you can make for your family. Most folks that don’t make it are just intimidated, it is really very easy. Yogurt is great used in all kinds of recipes but we like it best for breakfast with fruit and our homemade granola.. Come join us in the kitchen with the Raine girls and see how simple it is to make homemade yogurt! not just a recipe, but a very detailed How To ebook with step by step instructions and lots of pictures
#21 – 23 And even though we don’t eat bread everyday, it is an art every homemaker should know so how about some of my bread making favorites ?
Creatively Simple ~ How to Make Homemade Bread … Most homemakers that don’t make bread are afraid they can’t make perfect bread. Well I have news for you. No one can make perfect bread. Not every time anyway. There are too many variables that affect your bread making and skill is only one of them. So do it as a way to serve your family rather than a contest to make the “perfect” loaf, you will have fun and it will probably turn out pretty good. Our daughters usually start out making bread at about age 7 or 8, so if they can do it you can do it! You don’t have to have lots of expensive equipment, just two hands, some dough ingredients, a couple loaf pans and an oven. This book is not intended to make you a “perfect” bread maker. It is intended to give you a nudge to get your hands into that wonderful dough. I will share a secret with you. There is something about making bread that seems to make it easy to meditate on the Lord, I nearly always get a new inspiration or understanding from Him while kneading bread. I pray that you experience the same, while spending some time with Him, He is our Bread of Life.This is just one of a series of Creatively Simple “How to” ebooks approx 20 pages with lots of pictures ebook download not just a recipe, but a very detailed How To ebook with step by step instructions and lots of pictures Creatively Simple ~ How to Make Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread … This is a real simple, very healthy bread making technique. It is low fat and high protein with lots of fiber making it a very healthy bread. It is also extremely yummy. I have been on a work out and healthy eating plan for the last couple months trying to lose all the weight that accumulated from a busy “Momma to many” lifestyle. I find that I lose weight faster if I eat a slice of this bread daily. I am not saying that will work for you but it has been working for me. This simple technique can be started one day and baked from the next. It is not a continuing sourdough so it never gets an off flavor. Creatively Simple ~ How to Make Homemade Bagels … Bagels are just another fun form of bread. They really aren’t hard and they are great with any meal.There are Cinnamon Bagels, Onion Bagels, Blueberry Bagels, Egg Bagels, and even Raisin Bagels! This book is not intended to make you a “perfect” bread maker. It is intended to give you a nudge to get your hands into that wonderful dough. I will share a secret with you. There is something about making bread that seems to make it easy to meditate on the Lord, I nearly always get a new inspiration or understanding from Him while kneading bread. I pray that you experience the same, while spending some time with Him, He is our Bread of Life.
#24 -27 And of course no party is complete without some chocolate …
Creatively Simple ~ How to Make Homemade Soft Serve Desert Soft serve dessert is fun but most times nearly a junk food laden with artificial flavors and thickeners and all kinds of chemical stuff. We have come up with a very simple and very healthy alternative. It fits in somewhere between homemade ice cream and a smoothie. I will show you two flavors here, chocolate (with some coffee in it if you like) and berry. This is so healthy you can feed it to your children for breakfast all summer long. That will make you a hero in their eyes.
How to Make Homemade Easy Mocha Cheesecake Cheesecake is usually something only made by gourmet cooks. But oh what an impression it makes when served to guests. Cheesecake doesn’t have to be hard. Join me in the kitchen as we make a very easy, yet incredibly tasty Mocha Cheesecake. No special tools are needed, and even the ingredients are easy to come by. not just a recipe, but a very detailed How To ebook with step by step instructions and lots of pictures. This cheesecake tastes so good it could be served in a restaurant, yet it s one of the easiest deserts we have ever made. Make this for someone you want to bless.

Creatively Simple ~ How to Make Chocolate Cobbler Just about anything chocolate is a huge favorite in our household. We usually buy cocoa powder in bulk like we do sugar. My daughters have gotten really creative with the desserts and chocolate cobbler has become a favorite. It is very rich so it probably won’t be too habit-forming, and it is wonderful served with vanilla ice cream! Chocolate Cobbler isn’t too hard to make, but it is a little tricky understanding the directions. I am sure you will find the pictures helpful. not just a recipe, but a very detailed How To ebook with step by step instructions and lots of pictures This is just one of a series of Creatively Simple “How to” ebooks approx 20 pages with lots of pictures ebook download How about all that, … 27 of my best ebooks…. enough to make you the homemaking hero of the year!!!
Now what would you expect that to cost? $125 maybe? No. $99 maybe? No. $75 or $49? No and no. I have completely lost my senses because I am GIVING This away at $17. But only until Friday at midnight.. act quick
after you complete your payment it will take you to the download page
And just because I love to add some extra goodies,
there will also be some added bonuses!!!
Bonus #1
The Essential Guide To Organizing Your Home is the ultimate guide to maintaining a clutter free home. This is an ebook with information complied by Penny Raine Organizing your home can be a daunting task. With The Essential Guide To Organizing Your Home that task will become much easier. Inside you will find practical tips and techniques to rid every room in your house of clutter and keep it that way. Do you shudder when you think of people coming over to visit unannounced? Do you panic when you get a message on your answering machine that family is coming—and they left 4 hours ago (and it’s a 5 hour trip)? Do you try to “clean” before your cleaning lady comes? Can you not afford a cleaning lady and try to do it yourself, ending up discouraged, frustrated, and thinking it’s just impossible? The Essential Guide To Organizing Your Home is your solution. Now you can dive right in with this easy to follow, room by room guide to a clean and organized home. The Essential Guide To Organizing Your Home is the ultimate guide to maintaining a clutter free home.
Bonus #2
Social Media for Homeschooling Families Facebook and other social media sites appear to be here to stay so we might as well educate ourselves and our families on how to use them safely. When the internet first became popular many families especially homeschooling families shied away from it. After many years we now see the incredible value in it use but we also see the dangers. Social sites like Facebook, MySpace and others can also have great benefits but can be extremely dangerous if not used safely. With some knowledge they can be used safely. Join Penny as she shares the pros, cons and how-to’s of social media for homeschooling families.
Bonus #3
We have gathered some pictures of our favorite horses here at Carmel Farm and made coloring pages and put them to the cowboy version of the 10 commandments. These scriptures are taken from Exodus 20 and represent the very words God gave to Moses. We have paraphrased them into “cowboy language” to hopefully inspire more study and memorization of God’s Word. We encourage you to look up the scriptures in your own favorite bible and memorize them. 16 pages with pictures. ebook download
How about all that, … 27 of my best ebooks …. AND 3 BONUSES!
enough to make you the homemaking hero of the year!!!
Now what would you expect that to cost? $125 maybe? No. $99 maybe? No. $75 or $49? No and no. I have completely lost my senses because I am GIVING This away at $17. But only until next Sunday at midnight.. act quick
after you complete your payment it will take you to the download page
Welcome! Come on in! This is a great week to visit my bookstore here
I have something very special for you, grab a cup of coffee and visit a minute I have little bit of everything for you. All of my books are in ebook form so they can be instantly downloaded, right after purchase. Along with our sons, we have 5 daughters and they are what inspires most of my writing. Everything we do we think you ought to know how to do too. Things like making butter and making bread, and sewing aprons and such. So if you would like to learn some of this along with some homeschooling fun and a whole lot of Jesus mixed in all of it, come on in and have a look. All of my books are listed on the products page. I can be contacted at and if you’ll be so kind as to join my mailing list here I will be sure to let you know about all the upcoming events and give you a free subscription to my Front Porch Fellowship Ezine.