What works for me this Wednesday? Homeschooling. We have 2 graduated so far. We have been homeschooling since day 1 with child 1. It gives us freedom to pursue not only academic and bibical studies but also gives room for each child to excel in the gifts and abilities God has given them. Here is one example. On thanksgiving day we went to my maried daughter’s house. Not too long ago she traded on of her horses for this horse. This sweet quarter horse wasn’t being so sweet. She was really really nervous, because her previous owner was really really nervous. In fact when we went to see her in the training barn the other experienced riders were saying, “I wouldn’t get on her, she needs lots of work before I would get on her”. But my son and daughter have a different technique. Here is a picture tutorial of what took about 30 minutes.
step one, you talk to the horse, let her know you aren’t going to hurt her, and pray
(helps if you got God in you, they know)
then when she feels comfortable, he slips on her back
she might give him a little excitement, (he likes that by the way)
but soon enough she knows he won’t hurt her
from then on out it is just teaching her what he wants her to do, but now she trusts him
want to read more about our homeschooling life in the country? check my bookstore
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Man! I wish I would have known you a year ago! I had two fillies who were unbroke and I was sooo green! didnt have a clue about horses! I sold them last Feb. I am hoping maybe God has horses in my future though because I love them!
Miss Amanda
Miss Amandas last blog post..All My Praise
I so enjoyed seeing the pictures and I was especially impressed your son was able to ride bareback!
I think all of what you say is so true about dealing with horses and I struggled with this situation myself last summer but with faith and patience I was able to work through it.
Thanks so much for sharing!
Mountain Womans last blog post..Spider Bite Blues